Today – Dr. Michele Borba 
“What do kids really need to be happy and successful?” Hundreds of parents have asked me the question, and my response surprises most. “Empathy” is my answer. The trait that allows us to feel with others has the reputation of being “touchy-feely,” but new research reveals that empathy is far from “soft,” and it plays a surprising role in predicting kids’ happiness and success…Empathy is also a positive predictor of children’s reading and math test scores and critical thinking skills, prepares kids for the global world…what many researchers are starting to realize is that empathy is not an inborn trait. Though our children are hardwired to care, they don’t come out of the womb empathetic…Empathy is a quality that can be taught — in fact, it’s a quality that must be taught, by parents, by educators, and by those in a child’s community. And what’s more, it’s a talent that kids can cultivate and improve, like riding a bike or learning a foreign language…The best news is there are dozens of simple and no cost ways to help us raise more empathetic kids…here are a few parent favorites to get you started.(more)