Being homeschooled helped this entrepreneur build a multimillion-dollar business
This multimillionaire entrepreneur credits being homeschooled for his success
This multimillionaire entrepreneur credits being homeschooled for his success
How can parents raise multilingual children?
Should all states offer a seal of biliteracy on diplomas for high school graduates who demonstrate fluency in two or more languages?
Social media is a powerful medium, and students will be expected to understand how to ethically use those services.
Piano lessons and learning Mandarin? New research suggests a link between piano lessons and language learning
Intensive reading instruction by parents and teachers can change the brain circuitry in struggling readers
Are the 6 C's (collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation and confidence) the key to raising brilliant children?
British children who are learning Mandarin see a boost in their grades in other subjects
Learning a new language helps you communicate with the wider world, increases your care career options and boosts your brain health
Learning a second language doesn't just boost your career prospects, but it also empowers your brain
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