Outside the Box – Christy Johnson
The Latin American Spring Festival celebrates the arrival of spring and is a tribute to the Latin American language and culture. It is held during the early days of the blossoming season. This spring, the Renascence School International students celebrated the festival by playing games and dancing during Spanish classes.
Ms. Poulos, the Spanish teacher, organized a game called “Un minuto para ganar” which includes four activities:
• torre de dados: The students had to build a tower of die on top of a popsicle stick held in their mouth.
• gorra dental: The students had to pick up a toothbrush from a cup using only the bill of their hat and move it to another table.
• torre de vasos: The students were to build a tower of cups, separated by paper.
• torre de bloques: The students were to build a tower of die, on a plate, on top of their head and hold for 3 seconds.
What fun and challenging games! The students also had fun playing musical chairs and enjoying a special snack at the end of the party.