La Vernia News – Barbara Magor Deel: 
Every responsible adult knows “tax day” is in April, although this year as the government celebrates Emancipation Day April 15 — we get a reprieve until April 18 to file our taxes. But most taxpayers may not be aware that this coincides with National Financial Literacy Month, which has been promoted since 2003 as the month to teach Americans how to establish and maintain healthy financial habits…Schools as well as parents, play a significant role in the lives of young people as they develop into independent, capable members of communities…For young adults, mastering their personal finances allows them to concentrate on learning and having fun, and not having some of the most important years in their lives sidetracked by money troubles. The major advantage of financial literacy will be self-evident as students grow older and financial decisions become more important and will have far reaching rewards in personal, family, and community success.(more)