The Huffington Post Australia – Emily Blatchford 
There’s a lot of hype in the parenting world when it comes to children and screen interaction. On one hand, technology is very much a part of modern day society and no amount of sticking your head in the sand is going to change that. On the other, there are very valid concerns regarding the potential effects too much screen time has on developing minds and behaviours. But while many parents will try to limit or regulate their child’s screen time (which by all accounts is a good thing), did you know something as seemingly harmless as having the television on in the background could also have an impact on a child’s development?…”One of the main problems we see with screen time and children is an impact on language development,” Dr. Trina Hinkley from the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University…According to Hinkley, the background distraction takes away from potential interactions with others, thus restricting some areas of development. “Background television quells the opportunity for interaction with parents and other people in the home, which in turn means the child doesn’t have as much access to everyday language and practice,” Hinkley said.(more)