Education News – Grace Smith 
A new study from Japan has found that children who get authentic engagement from their parents have increased levels of happiness, higher incomes, higher grades, and a stronger moral compass. Katrina Pascual, writing for Tech Times, reports that research team leaders Nishimura Kazuo of Kobe University and Yagi Tadashi of Doshisha University Faculty of Economics examined the consequences of current Japanese parenting practices. They questioned 5,000 women and men about their parental relationships during their childhoods…The key factors the researchers focused on were parents’ lack of interest, rules, independence, trust, time spent between parents and children and disciplinary incidents. Using their survey findings, the group of scientists divided parenting techniques into six categories. They were: Supportive, Harsh, Strict, Average, Indulgent, and Easygoing. The researchers found that kids who were brought up by “supportive” parents had high salary rates, better academic accomplishments, and increased happiness levels. Strict parents were more likely to have children who made high salaries and did well academically, but had reduced happiness levels and increased levels of stress.(more)