Forbes – Chad Orzel 
…science doesn’t have to be complicated…The most important thing kids, and adults for that matter, can get from science is not a set of facts, but a mindset: the idea that questions about the world have answers, and that you can find those answers through careful thinking and empirical testing. The best way to develop that is not just talking about science, but through actually going through the process when the opportunity presents itself…You’re not likely to make any earth-shattering discoveries this way, but you’ll help kids build a mindset that will set them up for future success, in STEM careers or basically any other path they want to pursue. The scientific reasoning process is the most powerful tool we have for figuring out how the world works and using that knowledge to our advantage. And it’s a tool all of us can (and do) use, regardless of age or available resources. So when you have the chance, don’t just talk about science facts with your kids, get out and do some science.(more)