2020-2021 Courses

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ART 5: Art I
Credits 5, Prerequisite: None
Student participates in documented, third-party verified art activities of at least 80 hours in a one semester period. Non-academic Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading only.
Teacher: selected by student
Times: at student discretion
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $100
CHI 10A: ?????? (First Semester Chinese)
Credits: 5, Prerequisite: None
Immersion instruction. Students read words and simple passages aloud and silently, read simple passages for comprehension and answer questions associated with those passages, write characters (limited number), match characters and pinyin, understand spoken instructions and questions, and answer questions aloud using complete grammatically correct sentences. Vocabulary of approximately 250 words.
Teacher: Yajing Wang
Times: to be determined, 3 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
PHY 5: Physical Education I
Credits 5, Prerequisite: None
Student participates in documented, third-party verified physical education activities of at least 80 hours in a one semester period. Non-academic Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading only.
Teacher: selected by student
Times: at student discretion
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $100
SPA 10A: Primer semestre de español (First Semester Spanish)
Credits: 5, Prerequisite: None
Immersion instruction. Students read words and simples passages aloud and silently; read simple passages for comprehension and answer questions associated with those passages; begin formal grammar instruction; write sentences from a picture; understand spoken instructions and questions; and answer questions aloud using complete grammatically correct sentences. Vocabulary of approximately 225 words.
Teacher: Patricia Valenzuela
Times: to be determined, 3 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
ART 10: Art II
Credits 5, Prerequisite: ART 5
Student completes ART 5 and participates in documented, third-party verified art activities of at least 80 hours in a one semester period. Non-academic Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading only.
Teacher: selected by student
Times: at student discretion
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $100
CHI 10B: ?????? (Second Semester Chinese)
Credits: 5, Prerequisite: CHI 10A
Immersion instruction. Students read words and simple passages aloud and silently, read simple passages for comprehension and answer questions associated with those passages, write characters (limited number), match characters and pinyin, understand spoken instructions and questions, and answer questions aloud using complete grammatically correct sentences. Vocabulary of approximately 500 words.
Teacher: Yajing Wang
Times: to be determined, 3 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
PHY 10: Physical Education II
Credits 5, Prerequisite: PHY 5
Student completes PHY 5 and participates in documented, third-party verified physical education activities of at least 80 hours in a one semester period. Non-academic Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading only.
Teacher: selected by student
Times: at student discretion
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $100
SPA 10B: Segundo semestre de español (Second Semester Spanish)
Credits: 5, Prerequisite: SPA 10A
Immersion instruction. Students read words and simples passages aloud and silently; read simple passages for comprehension and answer questions associated with those passages; begin formal grammar instruction; write sentences from a picture; understand spoken instructions and questions; and answer questions aloud using complete grammatically correct sentences. Vocabulary of approximately 300 words.
Teacher: Patricia Valenzuela
Times: to be determined, 3 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
Year Long Courses
HIS 140: ?????II (Chinese History through Literature II)
Same as CHI 130
Credits: 10, Prerequisite: HIS 130 (CHI 120)
University level course. Writing intensive course.
Immersion Instruction. Students read history materials and Chinese literature that is correlated to the history. In addition, students read passages for comprehension and answer questions associated with the passages. They also create outlines and write descriptive, narrative, process, compare/contrast, analysis, cause/effect, persuasive, and division/classification essays about history and literature topics; comprehend spoken instructions and questions about the history and literature studied; answer oral questions about the history and literature topics; prepare and deliver extemporaneous speeches about history and literature topics; and type essays using pinyin input systems.
Teacher: Yajing Wang
Times: to be determined, 5 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
MAT 130A: ???? (Linear Algebra)
Credits: 5, Prerequisites: MAT 100, CHI 120
University level course.
Taught in Chinese. Students study vector analysis, abstract vector spaces, bases and inner products, projections, orthogonal complements and least squares, linear maps, structure theorems, elementary spectral theory, and applications for linear algebra.
Teacher: to be determined
Times: to be determined, 2 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
MAT 130B: ???? (Differential Equations)
Credits: 5, Prerequisite: MAT 110, CHI 120
University level course.
Taught in Chinese. Students study the classification, solution, and application of differential equations and systems of equations. Solutions to differential equations are obtained using both Laplace Transform and classical methods.
Teacher: to be determined
Times: to be determined, 3 days/week for 1 hour
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600
SCI 130: ???????? (University Physics: Electricity and Magnetism)
Credits: 10, Prerequisite: CHI 120, MAT 110, SCI 120
University level course.
Taught in Chinese. Similar to AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism. Students study electric charge and electric field, Gauss’s law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current, resistance, and electromotive force, direct-current circuits, magnetic field and magnetic forces, sources of magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, inductance, alternating current, and electromagnetic waves.
Teacher: Zhenyue Zhu
Times: to be determined, 4 days/week for 1 hour + weekly quiz
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 11
Cost: $600