‘It’s a big world out there’: Teachers take math outside the classroom
Bringing children outdoors can help them with their math lessons
Bringing children outdoors can help them with their math lessons
Children who have a positive attitude towards math perform better in the subject
How can teachers make math instruction fun and exciting?
Creatively combining this math learning strategy with a numberless word problem helps students see themselves as mathematicians
Taking math outdoors helps students explore, discover, enjoy, and celebrate math concepts and problems in real-world contexts
Memorable and engaging math and science experiences outside of school at an early age is a strong predictor of success
Today's high school students should learn about discrete math and how to build electronic circuits to be better prepared for STEM in college/careers
Children whose parents engage them with math at home get a boost in other skills
STEM trends include looking at how science, technology, engineering and mathematics can be introduced in elementary school
Educators can use a student's mistake in math to improve their overall performance in math
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