Learning Chinese now more appealing to youngsters worldwide
'Chinese Fever' is sweeping the world as more and more students enroll in courses to learn Mandarin
'Chinese Fever' is sweeping the world as more and more students enroll in courses to learn Mandarin
What should be the focus of early ed programs? Languages and music are good places to start
When it comes to words it’s not just what you say that matters. It’s how you say it.
Communicating in a foreign language takes emotion out of decision-making
Bilingual children can pick up a third language more easily
Students who learn Mandarin thrive
Xinhua - Guo Yina, Liu Shuai, and Xia Lin More [...]
Learning one language isn't enough to face tomorrow's challenges
Why is the U.S. so bad at producing bilinguals?
Children have the ability to learn multiple languages, says studies
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