Will Mandarin be the next global language?
Can Mandarin replace English as the dominant world language? It's more likely than you think
Can Mandarin replace English as the dominant world language? It's more likely than you think
A high school student describes why kids her age benefit from learning a foreign language
In an increasingly global world, Americans should be adding, not slashing, opportunities for their children to learn another tongue.
Learning new languages can broaden a student's global perspective and increase their cultural awareness
Mandarin has a lot to offer students and the benefits extend far beyond the classroom
Watching cartoons in a foreign language can grows your child's interest in other cultures and boost their vocabulary
From honing your soft skills to increasing your cultural competence there are a myriad of hidden benefits to learning a foreign language
Is your career goal to work in China? Then you best learn Chinese
Being monolingual is not good enough for future careers, say writers. Students must learn second languages to compete in a global marketplace
Raising multilingual children can be difficult but the rewards make the hard work worthwhile
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