Published On: October 16th, 2012|

Outside the Box – Christy Johnson

Early math skills are not only critical to ensuring that children perform well academically, but also important in developing and building the foundation of rational and logical thought processes. Getting a grasp on the basic math concepts at a young age is critical, but most parents have struggled at some point with how to keep their child interested and engaged. One Renascence School International parent has found a way to make learning fun for the Level 5 students. During the math creativity activities, Mrs. Rebekkah Heaton has been coming to class and engaging with the students in fun math activities.  She came up with a math game that she plays with the students each Wednesday. The game’s popularity has grown and last week students were given the opportunity to create their own monster heads. The kids were each given a bag of numbers (1-100) that they then fed to the monster. Keeping students engaged and having fun while learning numbers is a great way to boost mathematical skills and creativity!

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